Swap to Earn!

Designed to reward both liquidity providers and swappers, the Yield Ones NFT is your entry to our ecosystem of rewards.

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Genesis Yield Ones Drop

The awaited drop is here! Is time to Mint.

Real Yield $RY

Genesis Yield Ones are able to passively generate $RY tokens, that can be used to level up your NFTs, or to redeem for other rewards.



3333 NFTs + 10% for Treasury / Team / Collabs.
Minting starts at 20 MATIC for the Allowlist.
May 31 for Allowlist and June 1st for Public
The token will be burnable to claim rewards and level up the Yield Ones NFTs.
The Airdrop will be on Q3 for all Yield Ones NFT holders.
The Community Market will be launched on Q4.
© 2023 Community Finance, Inc.